Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Our yard!

I know you all have been waiting to hear an update on our yard... ok, maybe it is just me... but I am so proud to announce that Jarvy, along with so many helping hands (which, thank-you all who helped!), put sod in our yard today! I am so stinkin excited, I can barely stand it! This was our last big project on our fixer-upper house... for a long while anyways! Jarvy has been working super hard on it and it looks beautiful!

Aaahh! I just love it so much!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Senior Games are under way!

Last night Jarvy was a medical volunteer at the softball fields for the Huntsman Senior Games in St G. The games going on last night were the 65+ year old men! Anyways, Jarv ended up with 2 patients. One was a pitcher. He wore a mask and shin guards while he pitched. Well, these old guys were hitting the balls so hard, this pitcher got hit in the shin and his shin guard broke! Those old guys got some power! It may help they can use the Senior League bats like Ultra 2s and whatever, but seriously... I guess this catches my attention because I have a feeling, one day one of those old guys playing will be my cute Jarvy.

He came home in his volunteer shirt and I thought he looked pretty cute.